We’re not meant to parent alone
Bringing moms, dads and their babies together to learn, get expert support and make new friends during baby’s first year. Led by psychotherapists and child development experts.
weekly 90 min classes
ongoing during 1st year
2-3 month age span
Being a new parent isn’t easy!
At every stage of your baby’s development, new challenges and questions arise. We understand the feeling. We'll help you tease out the important info, gain confidence and build relationships that lift and support you.
Classes include but are not limited to:
Topics spanning baby’s first year
The Happy Sleeper approach
Research based information
Adjustment to parenthood
New friends and your village
Songs, music, fun
Mindful, empathic parenting
Feeding, language, attachment, etc.
Preschool overview.
Our locations
Santa Monica
Weekday & Weekend Classes in Santa Monica
Sherman Oaks
Weekday & Weekend Classes at Bini Birth.
Kind words from parents like you

How it works
Led by a team of licensed psychotherapists and early childhood experts, this class is a fun, interactive experience, with an emphasis on mindful, empathic parenting and optimizing your baby’s development. We also provide lots of support for your adjustment to parenthood. Each class meets weekly for 90 minutes throughout your baby’s first year.
We wrote the books on baby sleep and parenting with empathy.
Julie Wright, our founder, and her coauthor, Heather Turgeon, wrote the popular baby sleep book, The Happy Sleeper. Read and trusted by parents all over the world, The Happy Sleeper has helped thousands of babies and little kids access their natural ability to sleep. They also wrote Now Say This, an empathic and effective guide to parenting in difficult moments. The approaches in both books are taught in our classes.
Each class is “ongoing,” which means that it continues at the same day and time, throughout your baby’s first year. The reason for this is to create a bonded, safe and supportive feeling. The classes are offered in 8-week series and existing class members have the first option to reserve a spot in the following series.
The class begins with open questions, so that we can use all the time as everyone gets settled. Songs and movement are next, followed by the main topic which is geared for the babies’ developmental stage. For the last few minutes questions related or not to the topic are answered. Often a question turns into a future main topic.
Due to the specific ages in each class and the creation of a bonded, cohesive group setting, trial, drop-in and makeup classes are not possible.
Each class contains babies born within a 2 – 3 month span. Weekday classes have about 10-14 moms and weekend classes, about 5-10 families.