Books and reading day at Mommy & Me class.

Mommy & Me Classes in Sherman Oaks

Weekly, 90-minute classes support your adjustment to parenthood, explore many topics during baby’s first year and cultivate your “village!" Join us at the warm and welcoming Bini Birth.

Find your parenting style

The approach to parenting is individual; access the wisdom of your instincts and heart, while calming your new parent worries about “getting it right.” Find new and supportive friendships with other parents, discuss weekly topics and learn songs and play designed to nurture attachment and learning.

Kind words from parents like you

Class schedule

For babies born
Jun - Aug ’24

Fridays 11:15a-12:45p
Series 3-8 classes, Feb 14 - Apr 4

Class leader: Jasmine Abudalu, PsyD

For babies born
Mar -May ’25

Saturdays 11:15a-12:45p
moms, dads + couples welcome!

Series 1-8 classes, Jun 28 - Aug 23
(no class 7/5)

Class leader: Estefania Gonzalez, LCSW

For babies born
Dec ‘24 - Feb ’25

Sundays 9:15-10:45a
moms, dads + couples welcome!

Series 1-8 classes, Apr 6 - Jun 15
(no class 4/20, 5/11, 5/25)

Class leader: Anita Fozoonmehr, MFT

For babies born
Sep - Nov ’24

Sundays 11:00a-12:30p
moms, dads + couples welcome!

Series 2-8 classes, Mar 9 - May 11
(no class 3/30 + 4/20)

Class leader: Anita Fozoonmehr, MFT

Open enrollment for all classes – you can join any time, space permitting!

Bini Birth, 13743 Riverside Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

For babies born
Mar -May ’25

Wednesdays 11:30a-1:00p
Series 1-8 classes, Jul 2 - Aug 20

Class leader: Julia Kantor, MFT

For babies born
Dec ‘24-Feb ’25

Tuesdays 11:15a-12:45p
Series 1-8 classes, Apr 1 - May 20

Class leader: Julia Kantor, MFT

For babies born
Sep - Nov ’24

Mondays 11:15a-12:45p
Series 2-8 classes, Mar 3 - Apr 21

Class leader: Jasmine Abudalu, PsyD

For babies born
Jun - Aug ’24

Saturdays 9:30-11:00a
moms, dads + couples welcome!

Series 4-8 classes, Apr 19 - Jun 14
(no class 5/24)

Class leader: Estefania Gonzalez, LCSW

For babies born
Mar - May ’24

Wednesdays 11:30a-1:00p
Series 5-8 classes, Mar 19 - May 7

Class leader: Julia Kantor, MFT

For babies born
Mar - May ’24

Saturdays 11:15a-12:45p
moms, dads + couples welcome!

Series 5-8 classes, Mar 22 - May 10

Class leader: Estefania Gonzalez, LCSW


For individuals


(includes pay on time discount - $20)

What’s included:

spot for one parent

8 week series

Classes are led by psychotherapists and early childhood experts

For couples


(includes pay on time discount - $20)

What’s included:

spot for two parents

8 week series

Classes are led by psychotherapists and early childhood experts

Sign up today

To sign up or for more information, please email yours and baby’s names, birthdate, phone number and preferred location to or fill out our contact form below.

A note from Julie

I believe we really do need each other.

As parents begin to share their stories, questions and challenges, how this new world feels to them, there’s a palpable shift in the room; heads start to nod, along with sighs of relief. They realize, “I’m not alone - the feelings I’m having are normal.”  

Developed by Julie Wright, MFT, co-author of The Happy Sleeper, Now Say This and Generation Sleepless.


  • Each class is “ongoing,” which means that it continues at the same day and time, throughout your baby’s first year. The reason for this is to create a bonded, safe and supportive feeling. The classes are offered in 8-week series and existing class members have the first option to reserve a spot in the following series.

  • Each class has babies born within a 2 – 3 month span and about 10-14 moms in the weekday classes and 6-9 families in the weekend classes.

  • Bring whatever you and your baby need to be comfortable. During class, parents are feeding, nursing, changing diapers; babies are sleeping, bouncing, burping. We sit on a carpeted floor around a big sheet and babies lie down, sleep, crawl or are held. We also have toys, boppies and big bouncy balls.

  • We ask, naturally, that nobody come to class when sick. However, in the case of a runny nose from teething or allergies, a residual cough or other symptoms, please contact your pediatrician to determine whether you or your baby are contagious, so you don’t miss class unnecessarily. All the sheets and toys are washed/disinfected each week. See our blog for all of our wellness and safety details.

  • Due to the specific ages in each class and the creation of a bonded and cohesive group feeling, trial, drop-in and makeup classes are not possible.

  • It’s nice, although not required, to let your class leader know. We become a bonded group and like to send you our good wishes. You also have the option of “attending by phone” for the topic portion of the class.

  • The class begins with open questions, so that we can use all the time as everyone gets settled. Songs and movement are next, followed by the main topic, which is geared to the babies’ developmental level. For the last few minutes questions related or not to the topic are answered. Often a question turns into a future topic.

  • We teach The Happy Sleeper because we believe in its middle ground, developmentally based and effective approach. However, it is never a “must do” and we will support the choices that are best for you and your family.

  • That’s no problem! You’re welcome to arrive at any time. It’s also good to know that after the songs and movement, amazingly, many of the babies fall asleep. Some babies nap in the car or stroller on the way to class. Most babies are able to flex their naps once a week or so.

  • You are encouraged to ask most questions during class, so that we all may learn together. However, if a question cannot be answered during class or in a very short email, it may be advisable to schedule a private consult. Some issues require time and attention to individual differences in order to be addressed responsibly and thoroughly. Your class leader can help you with referrals.